Wednesday 2 January 2008

An Altar Server

Being an altar server for almost 12 years, is a big part of my life. The servers are the ones that i grew up with and who have thought me so much things in life. They were always there when i needed them. I thank them for what I am today.

Now, to look at the altar to see them serve, i feel sad. Sad because a once strong fortress has now been crumbled and what is left is a pile of stones. Of course I do blame the people for making it crumble but I always hope that one day it will be back as it was. I hope the boys who are in now, do stay and serve because you'll can bring it back. Never mind who is running it and the problems that surrounds it, but know that you are here because you want to serve.

I will always be here for you guys....


A.J. said...

Very well said hun. I really admire your dedication, commitment and passion for your servers. And I am certain that there will be a handful of boys who will be inspired by you, and they will keep the servers going, no matter what obstacles there may be. And don't forget the power of prayer. Like I always say, God knows.

baggins said...

Thank you for standing by myside

doomed_troll said...

Stand fast turn your face to the wind. When you think your standing alone, turn around and watch your army rise from the shadows. Remember once you put it on you never take it off.

baggins said...

Thank you for the advices u have always given me.